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RE: ---- Copes Pirate Radio – The After Party - Discussing Mental illness ----

in #radio7 years ago

I hear that one... I need to practice my guitar playing a lot more than I do... haha! But you truly do have an amazing voice and great talents! If you are that good without practice, then I can't wait to hear you all practiced up! ;)


As they say practice makes perfect :) Ah, im just hella rusty, i had an injury a while back that put me out of action... well i basically gave up trying as i was starting from scratch again. My frustration comes from not being able to do what i used to do, not that i was some brilliant musician or anything, i was just happy with what i could do. but with some encouragement from the community here i have been trying to get back into it.

I totally understand the frustration... I also had a similar thing happen only it wasn't an injury, just an unexpected side effect of an implant that is supposed to help my seizures. It screws with my vocal chords and I basically had to relearn how to sing. And even though at first I thought my singing days were over, I just kept practicing and I'm actually happier with my voice now. It changed it quite a bit, and is still a pain to deal with, but I really enjoy singing so I did what I had to do. I also feel that I learned new things I wouldn't have even bothered learning back then so that's a plus! It's weird how things seem to happen for a reason.

Yeah that kinda thing can be hard to come back from, have to accept the limitations and work with it. For me i thought i was too much to go through with the rest of the rehab and stuff and so left my music as something in my past. Good to hear you managed to wrestle that monster to the ground and dominate it :)

Right! Sometimes you have to put certain things on the back burner to focus on the most important things. But that doesn't mean that you can't go back once you are healed and start it up again! ;) Sometimes it feels frustrating to do it that way, but if it's important to you, I suppose you'll find a way! Haha!