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RE: Why Raiblocks Will End as a Pump & Dump

in #raiblocks7 years ago

Why thank you I agree. :) -- I guess you're trying being sarcastic, but I really don't understand why anyone gets into crypto now .. I mean .. BELIEVES in crypto. (Are those the same thing?) I guess I'd buy Apple stock if I though it was going up even though I hate Apple .. but since I don't believe in the tech I'd be ready to bail at a moment's notice.

It WAS awesome and useful and now they're all crap .. I have used LTC and DASH on Overstock, but even there it has to get shapeshifted to BTC first and get clogged and trimmed down by fees. What would make people believe they're ever going to really get fixed or going to really be useful again? And if they can't be useful again, then how can you argue it's not all a ponzi scheme?


I'm not being sarcastic. I like cryptocurrency because honestly I like to mine it, it's fun, I like to read the papers on the uses and think about if it is practical or not. I look at the advisors and boards to see who the people are behind the coins and tokens. Right now it satisfies a curiosity and thirst for knowledge and understanding. My background is in studying history, so things that impact the human condition interest me and I like to think (idealistically) about the future.

I was checking out Overstock the other day and couldn't get shapeshift to work using ETH so I gave up on that. They need to take out the converting piece on that and just straight up take the currency. Overstock seems interested in holding cryptos so maybe they will do it. Stepping out and saying "I'm going to hold (anything else but BTC)" is a risky statement for big companies I think but something has to be done because you are totally right the slow SLOWNESS and fees is a huge drag.

Merchants need assurances on a few points: chargebacks, returns, escrows (for returns), happy customers, safety. But dollars and banks can do this... what is the impetus for anyone to use a cryptocurrency? I guess if they are tired of bank fees and things. But dannnng BTC fees are super ridiculous right now.

Yeah, I wasn't sure if you were serious or sarcastic, but since I was generally venting I figured I better cover my bases. :) I thought my use of "noobs" might have been a bit over-the-top, but I feel like everyone has gotten into this stuff SO recently they don't have the larger picture. I got into crypto mining early 2013 cause "screw the banks" and "we can do it better." And for awhile I really think we WERE doing it better .. but NO one talking about it now seems to have been around to remember that!! -- I BELIEVED in the tech and scrimped and saved every dollar so I could get more, or build better miners. NOW, I'm pretty much losing faith in the tech .. right as everyone else is paying so much attention to it. I keep asking myself "what's the point, credit cards have encryption chips now?"

But actually that's why I used LTC on the Overstock platform .. it was the easiest way to get money off of gdax as LTC was the only network that wasn't clogged. (And I used Dash 'cause I found a good number of Darkcoin on an old computer that I'd forgotten about when Darkcoin was rebranded and was only like $7. -- I'm KICKING myself for not doing the master node thing when I had the chance!!) I believe overstock has it's own crypto in development actually .. and gyft as well. I've used gyft for so years, so I hope they come up with something good as well, absolutely wonderful platform.

OH, well if you're a history guy, you might consider looking at the impact of "pieces of eight" as an economic unit .. or even solidus if you want to go back farther. I think both are a much better comparison for the potential of cryptos than tulips.

I think a lot of people have been early adopters like you - me too, for me it was VR. I'm just so over now that no amount of pumping can get me pumped anymore lol I'll check out gyft, and solidus and pieces of eight. Thanks for the inspiration!