Dear @donaltrump and all the flaggers,
please consider removing your flag for this post. Here are some reasons why:
@cryptovestor probably spent the better part of the day creating this post and no matter what his opinion might be, it is original content and that should be rewarded. Right now this post is not visible due to your downvote. So you are basically silencing opinions.
You disagree with him. And that's fine. I don't want to persuade you. But his opinion IS valuable to a lot of people, including me. I think it is very important that we have a whole spectrum of opinions on this platform - and minority opinions should be protected. If we start going around and flagging controversial content, it will disincentivize posting such content.
In my opinion you abused the flagging system. Check this post on flagging etiquette
- As you stated, it was not a disagreement on rewards
- The content is clearly not spam
- no fraud or plagiarism
- no trolling or hatespeech
Please stick to the comment section, if you disagree with someone
Hate speech doesn't exist.