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RE: Before You Do This...

in #raiblocks7 years ago

Jimmies were rustled. Including mine, and I think you made a fair case, however it would have been better if you went with a more analytical video as to why you were bearish on the thing instead of a reactionary video on just the "irrationality" of the price action alone. The price is going to do what it's going to do. Trying to say with certainty that a move IS or ISN'T rational is not really contributing much in terms of either being bullish or bearish. I can't tell you how many times I got squeezed in a short position on a stock while staring at my screen saying to myself, this should've have happened. It's just not rational that it would do this. lol. Also, I think you angered people due to your choice of words. It's one thing to say that something is way overextended, but an entirely different thing to say that this is the "biggest pump and dump". The second has way more negative connotation to it because it's often used to describe the lowliest of shitcoins/ pinksheet pennystocks. Now combine this with people that are heavily exposed in RaiBlocks and of course people will be upset. Fear is still the stronger emotion than greed in this speculative game. There's a reason why these charts always take the escalator up and the elevator down. If it any comfort to you, I think you are a great guy that gives excellent advice that I appreciate, even when you are dead wrong ;)