Rainbow Six Siege Test-Servers Patch Notes 2: The developers adjust Finka & Blitz

in #rainbow7 years ago (edited)

Due to the Shitstorm on reddit, the developers decided to adjust Blitz and the new Operator Finka.


The first day when TTS went live, Blitz was a 2 speed operator without the speedreduction of his shield. This was totally overpowered. Happily the developers recognized that and decided to make him still faster but not that much.
Now Blitz will be still a 1 speed operator but without the shield speedreduction. This makes him a little bit faster than 1 speed operators. His hipfire accuracy will be reduced aswell.


Finka got also a nerf. The resistance against stun grenades, such as Ela's Grzmot mines, was reduced:

Current parameters:
Length: 30%
Intensity: 50%

New parameters:
Length: 50%
Intensity: 100% (no effect)

This makes it a little bit harder to rush the objective. I think it makes sense to nerf her even more, because she is still OP. For example if she could effect with her abbility only one operator. Either her or someone else by looking at him and activate the abbility.


I also think that Lion is also still OP and need's to get a nerf. Right now the retake of the objective is nearly unpossible, if he is alive. Only he should be able to see the defense operators through the walls.

I hope the developers will recognize this aswell and nerf him and Finka even more.

If you are interested in the patch notes, you can find them on this LINK at the bottom.

Follow us for more information about the new Operation and watch our gameplay videos and guides.


Thx! You can watch our newest Videos on DTube. They show the new operators and their OP abbilities.