Rainbow Montage: "The Seven Chakras" painted by errymil

in #rainbowmontage7 years ago (edited)

IMG_3586.JPGall 7 chakras are 8 X 10 oil on streched canvas with embossed flower of life, painted by errymil

15 minute meditation to energize your mind body and spirit.

Find a place where you could sit quietly and undistracted, focus on your breath, relaxing with every breath.

  • Now focus in the base if your spine with the color Red, this is our Root chakra, ground yourself and connect to mother earth, and allow the energy of earth to come thru, your are safe, grounded and secure!
  • Focus on your pelvic area, with color Orange, this is your Sacral chakra, the center of our feelings emotions, intimacy, let the creativity flow on this region.
    *Then focus on your diapragm are with the color Orange, this is your Solar Plexus Chakra, it is the core of our personality, allow this energy to guide you on your choices in life and give you courage to face all obstacles in your life
  • Then focus on your chest, with the color Green, This is your Heart chakra, feel every beat of your heart radiate with peace and love, allow the love to come in and exhale the love in your surrounding
  • Focus on your neck area with the color Blue, this is your Throat chakra, it is our communication center, allow this energy to bring forth wisdom and truth.
  • Focus now on your brain with color Indigo, this is your Third Eye Chakra, it allows us to cut thru illusion and clears our thought and intuition
  • lastly focus on the top of your head with the color Purple this is your Crown Chakra, make your mind open as wide as the sky and connect to the Divine creator of the universe and be guided as we are all interconnected

This is my entry for @kalemandra's Rainbow Montage heres a link to her challenge https://steemit.com/rainbowmontage/@colorchallenge/rainbowmontage-new-challenge-in-colorchallenge

thank you for viewing my post




cool. upvoted!

if this helps you then i'm happy :)

Thanks @alainite, it definitely helps

Cool work! Well done 💗

Thank you so much @mariandavp ! I really appreciate that you noticed my art! Efcharisto'

Great picture. I love the feel of them (still) are they oil! The seem very rustic (in a goo way :)

Up voted but have no power :)

Yes they are all oil paint, painted on a black background! Thanks @vibeof100monkeys

Your welcome a great talent. Keep them coming :)

Really nice - love the 3rd eye one most :-) @waykiwayki

Thanks waykiwayki! I love all of them but having a hard time focusing on each on during meditation!

Very beautiful artworks. Great job! :-)

Thanks @bart2305 i also just posted a painting that i gave to my dad if you want to check it out