I shall have to set up a new 'system' in the trees, and test the drying factor. I omitted that in my last experiment. (I see possible Post potential written all over it, though). Amazingly, I didn't even think of THAT. What kind of Scientist am I anyway? I may be drummed out of the S.S.S.S., after having my academic epaulet's wrangled from my sleeves and tossed into the quadrangle dirt.
Ah, our fearful leader would no doubt take full credit. I've always known some politicians stretch the truth to their own whim and need, but never have I seen one so blatantly lie with proof of the contrary in recorded form. Well, all jokes aside...I'm still not convinced on this wet rain thing. It's GOTTA be wetter. As for the dishwasher, kind of makes you ponder what rinse aids, and other things we put down the drain are doing to the water supply we later drink. Though I guess we do dump a ton of surfactants in the drain every day doing dishes. So maybe a big nevermind is in order. Though I've just been reading about micro plastics. Good grief. Maybe we all should be drinking out of spotty wineglasses and such. Thanks for stopping in, always a pleasure.