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RE: "Experts" Full of Nonsense!

in #ramblerant11 months ago

anyone who believe themself to be, or are advertised/promoted to be, an “expert” ARE usually propagandist selling bull-shit! 💩

a man or woman who is a True “expert”, in any given field, would probably never refer to themselves as an “expert”; they could be viewed as a “professional ______”, if they have had a successful illustrious career in said field of proprietor or employ. 🧐


Experts don't generally need to hype themselves. In a legal brief, references to experience and certification is relevant, but the man who uses awards and titles to back a load of bullshit does a disservice to himself and insults his reader/listener.

And you can believe me here because I am a librarian with many years of experience. 😀

glad to believe that we are in agreement!

i appreciate your professionalism, as a re-searcher, without boasting expertise! 🤗