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RE: Knowledge, Certainty, and Current Events, Part 5

in #ramblerant2 years ago

I'm OK with statements of supposition and assumption when clearly stated as such. Science is a field built on constantly testing and revising old ideas when done properly. Forecasts always contain an element of uncertainty, whether we're talking markets or meteorology.

I'm not OK with people who said, "if you don't wear a mask and get vaxxed, you are a selfish idiot who wants grandma to die." They could not possibly know how well masks work or what people who objected to the COVID regime really intended.


And now, there are reports that those grandmas got injected with something that caused them die... of the covaids. Well, that is what was put on the death certificates.

Coumo is really suspected of murder.

I am really upset with modern scientists who will not work with new theories. Or throw out old, disproven theories.

But, i have really gotten off topic of what you were writing for.
such as "You just hate X people" logic and arguments. Which indeed are really bad.