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RE: "Experts" Full of Nonsense!

in #ramblerant10 months ago

Any objection to their "common-sense gun control regulation" is assumed to be rooted in an irrational desire to inflict mayhem and murder.

I live in NYS. The regulations here are so strict as to make anyone with a firearm one breath away from breaking the law, and having all their firearms confiscated as a result. It's absurd here.

Their obsession with regulating even further is rooted in an irrational desire to disarm the citizenry.

The NRA is a political advocacy group, with excellent standards and classes that inform students about how to abide by the onerous laws. The left's current obsessive assumption that the NRA is supporting irrational desires to inflict mayhem and murder puts us all in grave danger. Not only from the misuse of guns, but also from the misuse of the DOJ to push an agenda of the current political party.

The misuse of assault video is really good. We cannot cave to the misuse of the word "assault" by a political party pushing an agenda. We are innundated with these tactics, it's their front line. The word "insurrection" is another of these misused words. Brainwashing of a sort.

Tucker was paid a handsome price to give this testimony. I wonder how he was prepped for giving this testimony, how long that took, how much he was paid, how much he will be paid for services rendered to the CA DOJ in the future.



I definitely support anyone taking an NRA gun safety course, but I only wish that organization were as obstinate as its critics say. I'm more a fan of the GOA, NAGR, FPC, and JPFO are all much more consistent and principled IMHO.

Thanks for the info, I'll look into those. I'm new to firearms, having taken a pistol course recently from an NRA instructor. The class was more than half filled with folks who already had their permits, and just wanted to brush up. I was really favorably impressed with everyone there, and learned a trememdous amount.

The NRA is under attack here in NYS, a SCOTUS decision in its favor expected.

Do you follow @generikat? Her husband is a certified firearm instructor and has been coaching a potential future Olympian rifle shooter.

no! Thanks!