Ramit's goal is to get people to buy into his "get a dream job", "how to follow through" [not the actual titles], etc., courses. You didn't need him really (perhaps only to spark you into action), and maybe he took a look at your LinkedIn profile and saw that you didn't need him and wouldn't be buying his courses, so he dropped you. Based on what I learned about him, that's what he does. He's just trying to attract the people who are a good match for the stuff he is selling and who will buy.
yes, so he couldn't make me rich, then his website is kind of a lie.
That's exactly right. The only one who gets rich from Ramit Sethi's products and training is Ramit Sethi.
ha ha you're right! and this post might actually help him too...
He does actually respond to people's emails!
that was the test!
for people who have a lot of ideas........ask Stellabelle!