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RE: Are you writing for your audience?

in #rant6 years ago


I'd give you some of my token but the bot is offline - a growing trend it seems.

Well I'm in agreement, so much so I've been kicking out links to posts paid well but with 0 engagement as possible downvote targets. Buying your way to trending and getting 0 commentary, hello? Something isn't working - maybe your content?

And then there are the 35 post a week types, and with almost 0 exclusion (I can think of one author), no-one is kicking out 30+ posts a week of high standard/quality/interest.

#newsteem should mean that quality over quantity is the way to go now.


Yeah I agree.. posts on trending (especially when the author put them there) with no engagement whatsoever ever makes it look like no one is here... and shows that work is clearly not something that the crowd wants to see.

I mean I get if people are just writing for themselves, many times my freewrites are just for me, and that’s fine.. but it’s those that then complain about lack of support or engagement who seem to not be writing for anyone.. or are clearly just spamming for a vote. Meh.. I just don’t see how it’s the community’s fault that they produce content no one wants to see 🤷‍♀️

You are maybe one of the few, that is still hanging around here.

So the no comment issue, means nothing. :) or only for you? :)

Lol well you just proved I’m not the only one here 😜 and no.. I don’t generally complain about lack of engagement or support on my posts but I do very much take into account what gets engagement and what doesn’t.. and take that into consideration when making content. But then I don’t even consider myself a content creator really 🤷‍♀️

Not Quality though, INTERESTING.

Engaging and Interesting. No need for Quality

Yes, Interesting over quantity, that could scupper a few people :)