I don't comment on some of your most interesting content, the urban exploration stuff often, because most of the comments I would leave feel pithy or trite. The house with the penises was bizarre! Someone really took some time to graffiti those penises in. The tawny house made me think, we don't have nettles like that here in my area of North Carolina, but we do have blackberry brambles that will tear you up. I do enjoy reading the posts though! The stache of romance novels juxtaposed with the decay made me chuckle a bit too - it almost seemed like a dystopian setting from a video game.
There are at least two sides to HIVE, the mechanical reward and curation side, and the social-content side. If I had to pick between big rewards and regular readers - I'd choose the readers. The monetary aspect of HIVE isn't going to change my life, I don't have the intention of selling whatever stake I build in HIVE. I purchase some HIVE every month because I want to support the ecosystem, and it can certainly change other peoples' lives (financially). The important thing to me is that HIVE gets perpetuated way out into the future.
Ironically my content on Twitter and other platforms often gets more engagement than my content on Hive, but I think some of that comes down to cultivating the audience here that enjoys my content. Some of that is also shifting- I enjoy writing short stories.
Wrapping back around I think we each have a different model for HIVE and value different aspects of it, some of which align with the reward structure more optimally.
I think you commented here more than anywhere about my writings!
There's no need to explain anything like this, each to their own. Never tell a man what to do with his stake. Some have tried this with me in the deep past. They were unfollowed, muted, and rewards removed in one case.
It's your choice what you do here, that's the no censorship we enjoy.
I agree, and the great part about HIVE. It was more to illustrate the different approaches or models people have of this network.
As long as the system is at least in equilibrium I think we are in good shape - where the value coming in or being created exceeds the value that is being extracted. That we are sustainable.
I like the idea that 20 years from now someone might stumble across one of my stories here and enjoy it. Assuming anyone can still read and everyone isn't jacked into some neurally inducted dystopian fantasy world...
I want HIVE to persist.