when there is no damn Bitcoin integrated? At this point it's just a mediocre/bad Chrome clone, with nothing but hype building up.
In crypto we call this Shitcoin Pump.
Rule #2 - always ask for proof.
when there is no damn Bitcoin integrated? At this point it's just a mediocre/bad Chrome clone, with nothing but hype building up.
In crypto we call this Shitcoin Pump.
Rule #2 - always ask for proof.
Rule #1 obviously being dont talk about fight club?
only for fight club :D
#1 is Trust no one. Do due diligence.
We all know where they got the word "brave" from! ;)
Ricardo Goncalves (BNC Steemit Community Manager)

Because it uses bitcoin for micro-payments?
Rule #3 - If the proof is available, read it https://blog.brave.com/braves-payment-spec-out-for-developer-input/
it doesn't. that's just a whitepaper.
but I could be wrong, where do I find the option on brave?
#3 is Use Escrow. Always.
sounds like some dnm advice :P
It hasn't been integrated yet. The bitcoin wallet is scheduled to be added in v1.0, which is currently planned for Sept.
Do you have strong doubds in future of Brave browser? What are they based on? You don't trust Brendan Eich or someone from Brave-browser team? Why?
haven't heard of brave will go do some research