The absurd course(s) I was required to take was post graduate at one of the so-called highly regarded university in that state (Mass.) - Business ethics and critical thinking for business mgmt/execution. The absolute irony of classes taught by a academic... a professor who apart from his college days and matriculation never stepped across the threshold of any business small mid or large, never managed a budget hired fired or met a plan. Absolute rubbish. And had the common-sense of a fence post. That was the 90s and I had years of working under my belt... getting A's was easy - value = ZERO! In my undergraduate in engineering - there was no fluff classes I can recall save the electives and I took hard ones - although basket weaving - art appreciation were likely thanks.
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I always found it amusing that a vast majority of my teachers in business school has zero experience actually working in any business. They were purely academics. This became evident when I went later in life to briefly entertain getting ANOTHER masters degree in accounting and some snotty grad-student was there at the round-table telling all the potential recruits that "their undergraduate degrees from second-tier schools was seriously going to diminish our capabilities of getting hired " - the snot was suggesting that our schools were shit and that this one, the one he was attending was highly-revered.
What le asshole didn't know was that at that point in time I was actually in charge of hiring people like him, and had found that there was very little difference between the Ivy League schools and the state schools because neither one of them actually taught the students anything about the real world and that at that particular moment in time I had recently hired someone from Princeton, and someone else from East Tennessee State Univeristy and the ETSU student was actually performing significantly better..
The professors in the room chuckled a bit at my berating of him, some of them grimmaced because I was announcing an inconvenient truth about the educational system... but none of them refuted me, because I think even they knew it was true. Snot boy didn't say anything back because he had zero ammo in this real world battle, and I likely had more work-experience (4 years at that point) than most of the people in the room including the professors.