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RE: Value

in #rant2 months ago

I do manual curation on a very similar basis as you described. I see just token distribution as essential to ecosystem health and long term success. But even now, in "larvae state" Hive is too big to catch these newcomers and try to split your votes perfectly in accordance to the value of content/engagement.

It seems like a perfect job for AI on Hive.

Another feed with AI-assesed underrewarded content on Hive? Some sort of colorful icon next to posts suggesting how valuable is it in terms of measurable factors? List of underrwarded users based on provided content value?


That sounds like a solid use for AI. I'd like to see that list someday.

Good idea!
You could also use AI do detect overrewarded posts.
There a quite a few good ideas in the comments. A lot of people agree that something needs to be done. I do wonder how the next steps can be done.

That's a great idea and also a good motivational took for those that are underrewarded. Also great for new users who do put in the work but not beeing seen by Hivians.

Yeah AI agents for that would be amazing!