Musical are a fun and beautiful way to celebrate life. Musicals are a modern day extension of the opera. Some folks who do not understand the concept of opera embrace the format of a musical.
Yes everyone does know their steps. They rehearse it for weeks under the guidance of a choreographer and director. Their steps are mapped out on the stage. In the theater this is what we call blocking. They may practice the steps alone and also rehearse in the group. Think of it as laying out a map of a house you would construct. certain things go certain places. The dancers and singer have to memorize these positions and steps. Together it turns into a beautiful tapestry of movement.
How do they know their lyrics. Again practice and rehearsal. They memorize what they have to sing and where others sing. There is a master book called a score or libretto that will have everyone's part in it. The performer will learn their parts but know when other performers are to sing or talk. This comes with practice and rehearsals and committing it to memory. Think of it as giving a speech or presentation at a business meeting. One person gives their presentation and takes questions and discussion. This is the same concept just written and memorized.
Where does that music come from anyway? Well through the voice for one. We speak. Where does are voice come from? So too is the singng. Where does sound come from. Regardless if you pluck a guitar or plug in an electrical instrument it is a process of an action and reaction. You blow into a tuba. The air has to go somewhere. The air goes though the pipes of the tuba and the result is a sound. If I tap my pencil on te desk I create a sound. Same principle. How do we get electricity? How do we make sound.
Animals singing: Yes people have imaginations. Think of Dr. Doolittle and talking to the animals. Perhaps one day we will have technology singing. Or buildings singing and dancing. It is all in the imagination. We have had puppets singing with Avenue Q and The Muppet Movie. It is not a stretch of the imagination. It is all about creativity and dreaming. Think like a child.
I hope that my explanation has helped. If however you were just being funny, I may have just wasted some key strokes. I have been in a number of musicals in my life and am a piano man by trade. Thanks for your post. and best wishes. - Troy
Looks like you took my post way seriously then it was supposed to! You are right, I was just being funny.....or trying to :( lol
I thought so but I did not know. Oh well. It was funny and I enjoyed it. That is why I responded. Thanks.
hahaha, thanks anyways. That was a thoughtful comment :)