I don’t know who was that person, who said there is free meals. There is not! Everything is, was, and need to be earned. And even if you work hard you still might not earn it.
There is this finnish proveb that i love ”even if you believe in your self, you can still be piece of shit”
I think that this proverb hits this topic extremely well. People are so get used to get stuff for free and out of participation so they have started to even believe them self that they are worth it. Well news flash! You are not. Here ( and also in real life) there is a community around that decides your worth. In steemit you see it $$$ and in real life it can be that or other tokens like higher rank in work etc. But still. Everything need to be earned.
I loved this rant! You should be such a difficunt more often!
Motherfucker!! I just commented the same damn proverb 😂 Great minds, you bitch❤️
Ha! That word is getting catchy huh? Difficunt is sometimes the way to go. Someone told me I was being too soft and she might´ve been right but still, this is the way i rant, with a moral lesson and exameples and logic behind, not just swear words and telling people they are wrong :P
Steemit is just a reflection or the real world, most of what happens here happens out there in a different level.