A Raccoon attacked my roof!

in #rant8 years ago (edited)

Yep. Like the title says. A freaking Raccoon put holes in my roof! I can't believe it. And now I'm gonna be stuck making repairs inside and outside the house. Over $1,000 for the repairs. I think the Raccoon got into the attic and crapped all over the place. This is insane.

I first noticed a something on the roof. Which I thought was a palm branch or something. But when I got on the ladder this is what I saw! I was furious. I thought someone vandalized my roof. And the estimate to fix this was $400 dollars!!!!!! FURIOUS!!!!

And it gets worse. After I saw this hole I looked around the house to see if there weren't others. But...... a week later I see this!

ANOTHER HOLE IN THE ROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time at the back of the house. The Raccoon struck again. Look. I can see right into the attic of the house! ARRGGGHHHH!!!! 

And how do I know it was a Raccoon? I got woken up at 5am to noises above my room. When I went outside to look. I could see the little bastard running away. ARGHH!

Now I'm going to have to pay over $1,000 dollars to fix my roof. 

To the Raccoon. I hope you're happy. 

I wish the Raccon rots in hell. I hope this image conveys my feelings about this animal. 

Raccoons suck.
