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RE: I Hate My Skin

in #rant6 years ago

I know the feeling, I've been suffering from acne for about 10 years now and it's the worst, isn't it? As you say, it's a hormonal thing and I have quite weirded-out hormones, so...I get it. I know, it's normal as a teenager, but when most to all the other kids around you have great skin it drives you insane.
Also, I won't tell you that X works for me (sometimes, arghh, I wish it would now!) because I know it doesn't work that way - trust me, I've been stopped on the street a lot by kindly old ladies mostly dying to share with me their ancient secrets about clear skin. And nothing.
So, this is just a comment to say I hear ya, sister.

I hope it clears up soon!! <3

Maaaan, it is good to rant!