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RE: Are you writing for your audience?

in #rant6 years ago

Yep I fully agree with you here and know it depends on each person’s goals. It your goal is to get noticed then you have to write (or produce) something an audience wants to see. If your goal is to write and produce just as a form of self expression and don’t care about being notice - that’s totally good too.

But then don't go complaining to me that you're not making money from it and no-one is listening and labels are shit because they don't promote and blah blah blah...

This.. such this. As that is what I see a lot - people upset they aren’t getting the response they want without attempting to actually make anything anyone would want to see. OR to go out and find the audience that would want to see it.

I respect those that are creating for their own fulfillment and for them an audience may come naturally at some point.. but those expecting (and complaining) about the attention have a responsibility to put some effort in.

I love how you combine your music with your travel blogs btw


It's SO simple. If you want to make money from it, you're making a business out of it. If you don't, it's a hobby and something of passion and anything that comes from it should be considered as a bonus, not "income" in the traditional sense.

If you go for the former, well, there's a whole lot of things to learn about setting up a business such as goal setting, you as a brand, your product, market research (who do you sound like), the kind of people who will buy your music, what makes them tick... That's just to get started, maybe 5-10% and it's a forever evolving thing.

I respect those that are creating for their own fulfillment and for them an audience may come naturally at some point..

This is where I am at (the latter - serious hobbying). I did entertain the business element, purchased a few music marketing courses and found out a lot about my own goals, motivations and what's realistic (arguably being realistic was the most humbling experience that I had!)

The realisation I had was, "I make music to escape so if it becomes my sole source, what am I going to do to escape?"

I've loved being on steem and meeting loads of different people, forever learning, as well as the chance to earn something from what I still consider to be a hobby but something I put everything into (gotta love perfectionism sometimes)!

So I'm with you on the complainers and have wanted to vent about it myself for sometime so reading your post prompted it 😂

And thanks a lot for the support you guys in the c-squared community have given me btw

(and sorry for an outburst on a previous post where I was supporting the leader of another community I am in. I since found out the full story and saw you had replied to me but then removed it)