You havent seen any delegations and votes on all your posts,and in your wallet? Well then, you can pretend all you like and look the other way and try fool everyone with a few words. If you think nobody "noticed", then it's clear who you pay masters are, and how much dick you sucked to get there. Look at your shitty blog. There is zero creativity or anything interesting on it. it's all a bunch of whale dick sucking for votes - constantly trying to "impress" the right people for those delgations. Keep sucking into 2021, and you might earn another spectacuar round of delgations.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I never received any delegation from anyone. Wtf you talking about. lol
Your conspiracy mind is broken.
And most of the whale votes i got was actually from the same whales that vote you. V4apid, xeldal, enki, jcornel.
Which you would know if you actually did any research before opening your mouth. But thats probably too much to expect from a extremist conspiracy theorist like yourself. 😂
I like a good conspiracy like the next guy, but youre fucking out there.