I can understand the jealousy and the ire. I'm not quite at my one month mark; but I've seen it.
The completely idiotic one word post, or the meme that gets $50+ in upvotes, EVERYTIME one like it rolls around.
Yet here sits your careful crafted piece, that you think witty, and wonderfully worded. Titular and tantalizing, and yet aside from your friends and the few followers that you've managed to garner a few bucks... IF you're lucky.
I'm trying to capture my own with my pieces of writing; and I'm still feeling it all out. How I want to be known; and what for.I agree with @suesa however. Niches are key.
Patience is indeed a virtue apparently; I read an article on here yesterday about murdering Patience and how she didn't deserve it... and now homicide is stuck in my head since that personification was made and hammered home... ANYWAY off track.
Hopefully finding your own niche, or a niche to try and hammer your round peg into that square hole will help with flow and vote traffic; at least enough to assuage those feelings of jealousy; that ugly green bastard. Shrug it off and keep going man; all things in time, think the Long Game!
As for the Deadpost Init; I'm unaware but I'll give it a look-see.
There are many kind sof frustrating, of course I always try to keep a positive outlike, sometimes I slip. Sometimes it’s more than jealousy, you compare yourself to yourself. The posts that I put so much of my energy into to help others will get $3 and a Whitney post like this one gets $40 haha, should I whine more? I don’t think so, but i find all my problems at steemit are similar to problems I’ve had in 3D. I just kind of play to a different drum, and eventually stuff works out but it’s always a much longer road than others to get there.
Thanks for the support!