What is in a "Crown"? A rant.

in #rant6 years ago

Well, although this isn't a "classic bloggers post", I still want to share this thought.

The other day a comment was thrown out there by someone about how an Emperor/Empress is a higher rank than that of a King or Queen.

So very true, as many a Kingdom has been part of an 'Empire" but not vice versa.

I guess that is what makes the difference between an "Empire" and a "Kingdom".

So what is it that drives people to hold onto that not so almighty "Crown"?

I mean, after all, their litle kingdom can at any time become a subject of an 'Empire' and hence their 'Crown' is not at all what it is presented as.

I guess it's all a thing about the word "Your"

or maybe "MY"

idk, same sh#t, different bucket, as the old saying goes.

Can make a lot of 'crap sandwiches' with the amount of 'crap' that goes with it all.

Well, all this in a virtual world of 'crowns' all of which are in fact nothing more than an EGO trip and so full of self centered sh#t that it makes the real world look almost 'cool' as cool can be.

Just another rant, not worth wasting your voting power on, so don't.

I just wanted to get this out of my system.
