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RE: Truth be told, it’s hard not to be jealous.

in #rant7 years ago

Most refreshing to hear you speaking from my heart once again. It's probably all our conditioning from the scarcity system sitting so deep, while we try to trust that there will be enough in steem for everybody who puts in the work.

If it helps you in any way: Despite our connection - on bad days steempower holders like you make me jealous, you are in four figures dude!
Until I slap myself, realizing that jealousy will not help me in any way and I sit down to create more content I can be proud of, regardless of upvotes.

Super happy to have you in my tribe. I think I will bookmark this one for the next eventual bad days that will come this year. No ups without downs.
Great write up dude, please let us know how you felt after getting this off your chest and cheering up <3


Forgot to drop you the link. Here's a permission slip to stop bitching more than you need to, even though as I said I'm fully with ya, and it was a pleasure to read your pain that I see a lot on Steemit from good content creators - whining has nothing to do with it either. Just an admirable sense of justice or something, and the feeling of a certain undefineable unfairness hanging in the air. At least that's how I feel way too often before said self-slapping.

Haven’t seen you around for a while, nice to hear from you. Sorry for being such a fat minnow. I try hard to deserve it though, I’ve spent 5months on the platform all day every day with about a 1 months break. I was born for this kind of place too, becoming self sustainable making stuff and helping other to become self sustainable by making stuff has always been my dream.

I can tell. You more than earned it and you will go MUCH FURTHER with what you can offer.
I feel myself on a similar mission, guess both of us had it coming a long time. Time to welcome it.
Cosmic justice after all :)

Haha we should find each other on discord sometime, I haven’t been discording much but I want to change that.

Same here, life has challenged me a lot lately, and I'm spending most of my time building steemit. But I will log in again to discord in the next weeks once I got my head clear again.
Looking forward man, cya in 5 ;)