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RE: Value

in #rant2 months ago

especially when they come from someone with a bad reputation as yourself.

LoL, that's really hilarious. Would you mind to explain us on what exactly consist my bad reputation? I mean, what really distinguishes me as someone with a "bad" reputation? In summary, what's your concept of "reputation" and what does having a "bad reputation" means to you?

And by the way. Since you didn't clarify it. On second thought I have realized and I suspect that to what you were referring to in your cryptic message and were responding to specifically, was to what I told you in relation to why you consider me a troll with mental issues.

LoL, yeah, I am a troll with mental issues to you, because I tell you what you don't want to hear and no one else dares to tell you.

No it's due to your overly foul language and overreaction of 1 downvote on a comment with no rewards.

So, now that I understood that, I'm going to focus on answering to just that.

"Foul Language"

If you click on this link above, it will take you to my first and only comment I made on your post. In which I am unable to find any rude or offensive language.

However, this casual comment was clumsily received by that "1 downvote on a comment with no rewards" of -$9.72replying to it. from you and @takowi before even

I have a lot of readers on some of my posts, not everyone may be nice enough to just acknowledge the user I'm talking about and not further escalate the situation, thus I don't mention them by name. Some not so nice ones, trolls, etc, may go further and harrass users mentioned which I didn't want to occur unnecessarily.


It was right after that clumsy response and action, when I then used a somewhat more clear, frank, direct and graphical language to find out what led you to be so clumsy as to give a downvote of such -$9.72 value to what had simply been a comment with a couple of questions trying to clear up some doubts.

And then, why the fuck your 100% VP downvote to my previous comment? Have I said something that is inappropriate or untrue? Yeah, your stupid and clumsy actions say much more than your false words.

And then, immediately afterwards, I simply went on to describe, detail and enumerate a series of irrefutable facts that clearly contradicted what you had said and expected us to believe.

  1. Was this longer, eloquent and graphical response really an overreaction?

  2. Have I used a rude, offensive or really inappropriate language according to the circumstances?

  3. How would you have reacted to an unjustified and disproportionate downvote in response to what were simply a couple of questions you did in a comment?

But then, it didn't take too long for you to show the true colors of your chubby squab plumage. In which all the loose nuts & bolts within your immature head and childish vaping brain noisily and deafeningly fell to the ground.

You, out of your frustration and inability in offer a coherent and relevant response only subjected to what I had commented. You rather decided to opt for the childish, clumsy, stupid and even reckless task of using the @ocdb account to downvote not only all my comments made until that moment in your over-rewarded post with a negative value of almost -$200.00 between @ocdb downvote, your own and that of all the brainless idiots who blindly follow the @ocdb downvote trail. But you also had the twisted balls to go to my blog to do the same with all the active posts I had in effect with chance of payout.


Anyone who is curious enough and wants to do the math to verify the final value of all the downvotes and confirm the veracity of what I am saying. Feel free to click here and then select the "Account Operations" of yesterday, January 14, 2025.

And then, with a remarkable insurmountable infantilism beyond all stupidity. You publicly risk your true "reputation" displaying your true mental health by suddenly appearing only giving this frankly regrettable answer:

wow, your "reputation" seems a bit high after that IMO.

LoL, ¿Am I the one with mental issues?


Someone going around calling people homophobic slurs out of nowhere and generally bringing little value but focusing on arguing and being a pain shouldn't have a reputation number as high as you do, on top of being on HW list for most likely something valid - thus downvotes to bring that reputation number down so more people start ignoring you in the future.

Hahahaha, what a hopeless obese and chubby idiot with truly "mental issues" and delusions of grandeur you really are. Which judging by your comment, it's clear you must be even more of a feathered faggot that release its feathers when we shake them than the other confirmed faggot I've been talking about.

¿Reputation? Are you referring to that useless and arbitrary number that appears next to your username in Hive? Sheesh tantrum boy, how easy it is to witness and realize that you in your plump loneliness in life you are absolutely lost in space submerged in the virtual reality of your own faggotiness, mental issues and delusions of grandeur. But don't worry chubby, that in a few minutes I will teach you what reputation truly is.

Whereof to just provide you, right away, with a short sneak peek of the masterclass I'm going to give you so that you can feel and digest the reputation concept beforehand and then not complain later about not knowing what hit you and how it hit you. Let me fast forward you this:

True REPUTATION is acquired only when we always speak the TRUTH consistently in both words and actions. And when we are absolutely AUTHENTIC with ourselves and with everyone else at all times without fears, nor conflicts nor petty interests of any kind.

LoL, now, keep with your childish tantrums, pretty boy!

I think you would do your argument a real favor by going back and reformatting the comments that didn't print in markdown.

Oh! don't worry mate. All of that is gonna be brilliantly accomplished in the masterclass about reputation I'm going to give to this chubby motherfucker in just a few minutes.