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RE: Value

in #rant2 months ago

I always try to make my posts good enough that I feel comfortable receiving rewards on them.
I know my posts don't get the most attention and I mostly write about stuff that only HIVE people are interested so I'm not really grasping outside interest to my posts.

But I very often find myself writing a post, looking at it and deleting it, because I don't feel comfortable posting it due to myself not liking it enough to be on my blog page.
Some time ago I did a series where I went from nothing to a Gold Foil legendary in Splinterlands and there I really felt like I was making cheap posts.

My goals right now with posts are that I hope that at least one person finds out something new from them or finds it interesting, the upvotes I get on my posts don't really phase me that much. The top priority is that when someone opens up my page, the blogs look nice and interesting. I might not be the best at it, but that's where really my own opinion counts the most.
But I would be lying if I said rewards are a 0 factor for me, obviously if I got 0 on all my posts it would demotivate me to not write again.