in #rapelast year

Today, i heard a story about a rape case, and i couldn't help but feel bad for the girl, and ashamed for my gender.

What kind of pleasure would you crave so much that will eventually make you bounce on a little girl, a minor, what manner of sexual desire do you have for crying out loud?

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She's 13 and he's 35, he first took advantage of her when she was 9, Her parents were always traveling, leaving their young daughter with a family friend, the supposed godmother will go to work, leaving this poor girl at the mercy of her husband, who was supposed to be a father figure to the girl.

This man took advantage of this young girl for the first time when she was 9 and has been having constant sex with her till she eventually spoke up a week ago.

Apparently, whenever the her mum tells her they're traveling and she'd have to stay at the family friend's house for the next few days, she'd always cry and plead to go with her parents instead, they thought it was just due to the fact that she'll miss them, and they'll just promise to buy her new toys and goodies instead.

But last week, she summoned the courage to tell her mum why she doesn't want to go to their friend's house, she told her mum that the man would call her into his room tell her to lay on the bed that he wants to teach her sex education, he'd tell her not to tell anyone about it, he'd always tell her that he'll be gentle so that she can learn slowly, he told her not to allow anyone else teach her, because he's the best teacher, and would ask if she was enjoying it.

I couldn't believe my ears when i heard it all. I was lost for words, and i asked.

What satisfaction does it bring to these children molesters, child abusers.

Rape is an unlawful sexual activity, a sexual intercourse made against the will of the victim through force and threat with an individual who is incapable of giving legal consent because of their minor status.

This man raped the girl the first time, and continuously took advantage of her.

A sex offender who deserves a lifetime jail term, i hope justice is served and he pays for the crime he has committed not just to the girl and family members alone, but to the society inclusive.

It breaks my heart and i really pray justice is served.