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RE: Study shows Millennial men do not think of women as their equals!

in #rape9 years ago

As we transition into a service economy, I think many men feel like they are at a disadvantage to women in many cases. As factories all close down, and women fill many of the left over jobs we're left feeling somewhat helpless in many situations. A man has to be a bread winner, or most women won't even look their way, yet most women are perfectly fine in most relationships even if they just have a lower end service job or no job at all.

So now we're competing in a job market where women are considered equals, but often have the edge when it comes to social hiring. We're also in a situation where many women won't date or consider a mate that isn't successful. It's hard for women to understand the social pressure us men are under because of this dynamic.

The feminist movement has went so far the other way, that many men feel like women have way too many advantages and perks.

This doesn't even take into consideration on how bias the court system is for women when a relationship fails too. Many men are downright afraid to enter a relationship because of the potential fall out if the women decide to leave.

So what if men are perceived to be more intelligent than women when in the real world women have many advantages over men. Men are conditioned to be assertive and stoic almost in nature, so of course that confidence is going to follow through to people's perceptions.