Let's end rape culture! SPEAK OUT NOW!

in #rape9 years ago

Rape culture is a concept which links rape and sexual violence to the culture of a society, and in which prevalent attitudes and practices normalize, excuse, tolerate, or even condone rape.

It's time to put a definite end to rape culture ASAP!

Yesterday my sister came to me and told me how her "boyfriend" forced her to have sex with him. My initial reaction was to fuck me up a bitch! She begged me not to tell anyone in fear of "him being mad at her"! 

I was livid. I don't care who this guy is he forced you to engage in sexual acts you WERE NOT comfortable in doing. I had to explain to my sister that if she didn't speak out on this...he would eventually do it again. 

The situation has been handled. 

I hate that every time I walk around or near a group of men minding my own business I tend to feel self conscious and anxious. I began to get a little scared that they may bother me or touch me. 

How many ladies get this feeling as well?

I have experienced one to many times walking down the street and being grabbed and touched and cat called. 


 Men: If you don’t want to be raped, don’t put yourself in that situation. Men can’t control themselves, it’s like dangling a steak in front of a dog.
Men: I don’t get why you’re so afraid of men. We’re not all rapists, that’s misandrist, I would never do that. 

But let's not get it twisted at all. Men are NOT the only ones who rape. Women are just as guilty. There is NO double standards here. 

It's time that people take accountability for their own actions. 

DO NOT protect or cover for these rapist, whether you know them or not. A rapist is a rapist and THEY WILL dot it again if you do not speak out on it. 

NO means NO
Yes means Yes

If you don't understand these concepts then you are to immature for sex and should have many seats. 

If you think a woman (or man) asks to be raped.....

If you think what a person wears causes them to be raped.

If you think rape joke are funny....

Sex must AT ALL TIMES be consensual. If you weren't given the green light DO NOT ATTEMPT. 

 I think we need to instill the concept and value of consent into young minds. I’m talking about kindergartners or even younger. We need to arm children with the tools necessary for them to be able to filter the information they will receive as they grow via pop culture and their peers. These and other mediums now easily accessible to children carry sexist, homophobic, violent, and hypersexual messages that perpetuate the problem. There is no easy solution to ending rape culture because in order to do so, most of us would have to unlearn what we’ve learned for years and now consider a normal part of our lives. Unfortunately, until new better educated/informed generations grow up, we–potential victims–must take precaution. It shouldn’t be our responsibility, but it would be in our best interest to stay safe. Still, let’s talk about how unfair this is! And continue to remind others that we must teach perpetrators not to rape and not potential victims how not to get raped in hopes that this way of thinking will be commonplace someday. 


There. Is. No. Rape. Culture. In. The. West.

Antidote to this nonsense

Very interesting blog. I am sorry about your sister and I hope the best for you and her. I too have experienced this in college, I have not been a victim myself, but I have seen it too often. It is scary and I appreciate that you are speaking up.

I a glad you have not experienced it! Please stay safe. The other day i was taken advantage of sexually while drunk by someone whom I thought was a friend. It made me feel very disgusted with myself. Not a fun feeling at all .

I love love love your post, I wish there was more feminism in varied platforms like this. Enough about Crypto-Currency and more about this rape culture that has to go!!! Shout out to the victims of UBC and othe such Unies.

I will shine more light on it as much as possible!