Is marital rape a new weapon of feminist?

in #rape8 years ago

A Delhi High Court bench is hearing pleas for and against criminalising marital rape in India. Both sides have presented their case with fitting arguments such as:

Few claim if the Marital Rape bill is passed, you will make love last night and next morning you will be charged for rape.
When a wife forces his husband to have sex against his will? Is forced intercourse only possible by a man? It means wife will decide What happened in close room between a couple i.e is it Rape or Sex? If all sexual acts by a man with his own wife qualify to be marital rape, then the judgment as to whether it is a marital rape or not will singularly rest with the wife. There was a case where consensual sex turned to sexual exploitation/rape case in court. So we presume men as born liar, whatever happens in the bed room can rightly be described by women only. Before defining marital rape define conjugal rights & responsibilities; give men access to gender neutral laws then talk of marital rape. Domestic Violence Act already protects woman from Marital Rape, a female can file a complaint.

When a husband forces his wife to have sex against her will, is it marital rape? A rape is a rape. A rapist is a rapist. And marital rape is a crime, whether on marital bed or elsewhere, whether by husband or a stranger, and it’s time the governments understood this. Don’t married women have any right to approach the legal system? Are they only meant to suffer, commit suicide or die?”

Study finds women are more controlling and aggressive towards their partners than men i.e. rise of the female 'relationship terrorists'. Even this has to be factored in while deciding marital rape.

Law is always to protect the weak, it should be gender neutral and no exploitation.