Hello everyone!
Only a few months after the birth of Rapids Network, founded by Corey Strong, the year 2019 started, and it was rich in new features, meetings, partnerships, sponsoring, etc ...
Rapids is today:
- over 7 500 members on the official Telegram Channel
- More than 10k Followers on Twitter
- 10 languages across the world are represented, both on Telegram and on social networks.
- A solid team of passionate and fascinating people, who are constantly planning events, games, contests ...
Let me give you a little recap of the highlights of Rapids in 2019.
Let's start with the beginning, as soon as January, just after Christmas (2018) and New Year, all Rapids teams got back to work, to bring something new to Rapids again and again! Here is a small, non-exhaustive list of their work during the first month of the year:
- ZCore : You can host your Rapids Masternode
- RPD (Rapids) is listed on P2PB2B, under RPD-BTC/ETH/USD pairs.
- Rapids is available on the Coin Market Apps, news, charts, reviews, information ...
- It is now possible to exchange $RPDs between friends, family, colleagues ... on PlayStation (requires Swft.pro.app)
- The TipBot is available on Discord (allowing rains and tips between users).
- Rapids presents its E-Sports Team (Twitch, PS4, XBOX ONE)
- Rapids Network is officially registered in the European Union, in Estonia
The month of January also saw the arrival of 2 new members in their teams:
- Wendy O: Advisor
- Blake E. Rizzo: Attorney & Charity Advisor
And the little extra, I think it's really nice, a member of Rapids has created a superb artwork in the colours of the crpyo
Now let's move on to February, which is just as busy:
- MasterNodeCap offers a hosting solution for Masternodes
- Rapids TipBot is also available on Twitch
- Rapids is listed on Vendit Exchange, which will allow Cryptocurrency transactions to be executed with large companies.
- Partnership between Rapids and Whopper, which provides a Cold Storage solution for Crypto RPD
- Rapids is integrated to the SwirlPay online payment solution (with a Wordpress and WooCommerce plug-in).
- Rapids now uses CoinBelay, for a brief overview of all the services available with Rapids RPD
1 Member has joined Rapids Network team for this month of February:
- Willy B: Lead UX/UI Developer
The adventure continues for the month of March, with an ever growing community, great things are still to come.
- Rapids (RPD) is listed on CryptoWolf Exchange
- For users of the AirCoins App, it is now possible for them to hunt and collect RPD, via their Augmented Reality App.
- Rapids (RPD) can be traded on BlockDX, and is integrated with BlockNet, a fast and secure payment system on social networks.
- Rapids TipBot is also available on Twitter (Video explaining how to use it)
The cool thing about this month of March is that you can print the pattern of your TipBot Home Made
In my humble opinion, the most important event of this month of March but especially of this year 2019, is that Rapids has become an integrant part of the BOA program of companies (as well as Puma and HolidayInn) of the English Premier League team BURNLEY ! Rapids Logo is present on the players' pictures, on their 60 m advertising screen ! With their 21,400 seat Turf Moor Stadium, is over 1 Billion viewers following the UK Premier League championship, it's an exceptional thing Rapids has achieved !
That's the end of the first quarter of 2019, and as you've seen, it was a relatively busy quarter, Corey Strong and all Rapids Network teams did a huge amount of work. Now let's get on with April:
- Rapids Network Facebook page opens
- The Ambassador Program has been activated, and allows Rapids to designate members who will be Rapids ambassadors to users of various languages around the world, and to work with Rapids to continue the development of the community, but also to work on new projects, partnerships, events (around the world).
- Rapids (RPD) is available on MyCointainer, Staking service and Masternodes.
- Rapids is partner with Mazer Gaming, one of the largest e-Sport Gaming team in the world.
- Rapids (RPD) is integrated and listed in Coinomi Wallet
- Partnership with Advanced.gg, and FOCUS Products
- But also on CoinStats Wallet
Rapids was present on the "Bitcoin Ben's World Largest Crypto Meet up", for the first time a big part of Rapids teams were able to present to the public "what is Rapids (RPD) and Rapids Network" this event took place on April 6th 2019 in Blanco, Texas (USA).
The coolest thing this April, less than a year after the creation of Rapids Network and the Channel Telegram of Rapids, "Rapids ($RPD) Tipbot" is first in the ranking of the most active Channel Telegram around the world (ahead of TronWallet and Dogecoin TipBot), it shows us how involved and active the community is, since the beginning of this crypto.
Let's continue this great year, with what happened in May:
- Rapids Masternodes (RPD) are available on the Pocket Node App.
- Partnership in place between World Gaming Technologies (as well as CoinLotto) and Rapids
- Rapids is listed on StakingLab, Shared Masternodes & PoS Pool
- But also on Click Node, Masternodes' hosting service
- And StackOfStake, allowing you to earn passive income through PoS and Shared Masternodes.
The month of June brought us a new major sporting event:
- It's now possible to buy FOCUS products on Advanced.gg with RPDs.
- Rapids (RPD) partners with 4Stake, a shared Masternodes and Staking Platform service.
- As well as Evonodes, Hybrid Shared Masternodes and Staking Pools.
- Rapids is the Official Sponsor of Gerard Mousasi, World BellatorMMA Middleweight Champion VS Rafael Lovato.
Here ends the first semester 2019, full of new partnerships, sports events, payment solutions, Masternodes and Staking ...
Let's not stop here, what happened in July? :
- Rapids is also available on StakeCube, Shared Masternodes and PoS Pool.
- Rapids is also present on the Shared Masternodes Service and PoS Pool of Midas Investments.
- The official Twitter account has just reached 10,000 followers.
- You can now use FudX, Live Crypto price Calculator
- Partnership between Support Streamers and Rapids
2 new members have joined Rapids Network teams
- Kamil Nerwuca: Technical Support Manager
- Erik Uzunboylu: Better known as "Mista Lee" on telegram, he is also a member of the development team.
Let's continue with the month of August:
- Partnership set up with Honest Mining, Proof of Stake & Masternode Platform
- You can host your Masternodes with CryptoSelfMade
- Rapids (RPD) is listed on BOA Exchange, under RPD - BTC/ETH pairs
- First Rapids AMA, August 20 with Honest Mining and Matt Cimelli
- Second Rapids AMA, same day, between Crypto Nation and Corey Strong
- AUGUST 23!! 1st Anniversary of Rapids Network !
September is back to school for everyone, but Rapids Network is still at work:
- Rapids partners with Amazon Web Services
- You can use Trust Pilot to follow Rapids Reviews
1 New member has joined Rapids Network :
- John Dee : takes care of Rapids' online presence, and provides the official graphics.
- 3rd AMA of Rapids, with 4Stake
October is another beautiful month for Rapids Community:
- For the 2nd time this year, Rapids ($RPD) TipBot is the most active Channel Telegram in the world...
- TeamRPD organizes the first Call of Duty Mobile tournament
- CryptoCurrency Checkout integrates Rapids (RPD) into its payment solutions
- You can also use the Tracking function of Coinbase to track Rapids (RPD).
- Beginning of a long series of events, games and contests to celebrate Halloween.
A new member also joins Rapids Network
- Stuart Lloyd: Rapids Social Media manager
- New AMA, this time with Evonodes
As the end of the year approaches, here's what happened in November:
All the teams wanted to take a little rest and devote themselves entirely to the community, organizing frequent games, trivias, etc ... And a good new article for Rapids
- Rapids Masternodes is also available on Simple PoS Pool
We finally arrive at the last month of this retrospective, here is what happened in December:
- Rapids partnered with Uptrennd, the world's largest crypto-related blog.
- Rapids has opened an official account on Snapchat.
- TeamRPD organizes the 2nd Call of Duty Mobile Tournament
- Rapids offers the community 12 Days of games, gifts and surprises await Christmas.
That's it, we're done with 2019, Rapids Network, and the whole community wishes you all a great year 2020.
Join us, you too, to experience with us what the Great Rapids Adventure is all about!
Christophe WILHELM
French Ambassador Rapids
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