Stiff Skin Syndrome Is A Rare Disease

in #rare7 years ago

So far, the medical team could not hear any confirmed treatment for this disease.

The father had noticed a strong lump in his right thigh. He could not even think of horror, what a terrible disease he was. As time went by, the time was clear as it was clear. As long as the different parts of his body are becoming hardened stone! Twelve years old boy was attacked by a variety of 'Steff Skin Syndrome'.


According to a report published on the International Science website 'LiveScience', this surprise is about the disease. According to the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center or the Guard, this rare disease is caused by genetic mutation. And so far, the medical team could not hear any sure medical treatment for this disease.

Twenty-year-old Zyden Rogers, who is suffering from illness, has caused more problems in his body. It is a pain, on top of it one's waist, the stomach is becoming harder like the stone. The disease has reached the chest. As a result the respirator started.

One of the major disadvantages of those who suffer from this disease is that, gradually turning the organs of various parts of the body difficult and almost impossible. Even eyeballs too hard to make eyeballs become virtually impossible!

Is there any treatment for this disease? There is an immune system-based drug that can improve or improve the situation. But still not sure about scientists. But in the past two patients or many of those drugs have been able to get rid of the disease.

For now, Rogers' parents are eagerly awaiting. Their son must be healed by the means of that drug or any other drug, this is their prayer. Rogers parents have also formed a fund for costly treatment of rare diseases. There are many donations there.

Now everyone is waiting for the release of this little sickness Roger's.

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