Thanks for the link :)
Got my order in
$9 for the Pi CameraALso check this deal out:
Thanks for the link :)
Got my order in
$9 for the Pi CameraALso check this deal out:
Where did you order from? Everywhere I saw was already sold out.
That's a great price for a Pi camera, but it isn't the official one it is also only 5 megapixels like the original V1 camera. Still a great price if it works. Let me know if you give it a try.
I want to get a couple Pi 4's for some projects but suspect it will be a while. . Yeah looks like the lead time is growing with the hour. I plan on getting the pi cam to use with OctoPrint
Their shipping is insane, it's around half the price of the Pi. I'll probably wait until I can get it off Amazon for near list price. Although I'd really like to get at least one and may break down and pay the early adopter tax.
For Octoprint, there are some great USB cameras that do a better job for around the same price.