in #rawg7 years ago


Video game discovery platform that converts your skills into goods and services

Well guys, this time we will discuss about the Global video games the market has grown faster than expected and is the number one segment in the entertainment industry. Namely RAWG, RAW is an online service for game and database games of all popular platforms. It's like IMDb, but for games. RAWG is a web app, an online service with game databases of all popular platforms and recommendation systems. By using ReactJS, Node.js, Python 3, Django Framework, Git for code version, GitHub for code and technical documentation storage.

RAWG has been developed for informsi as:

› answer the question “what to play next”
based on the user profile (personal
recommendation service);
› let gamers obtain bonuses for their skills
in games they play;
› provide advertisers with access to gamers
and means of targeting based on actual
interests of users;
› create a blockchain-based ecosystem that
unites all gamers across platforms.

The main source of income for RAWG is direct advertising and promoting partners’ goods and services. Over 50,000 games were added to the database in the first three months of the service operation, including games from such popular platforms as Steam, PlayStation Store, Xbox Games Store, App Store, Google Play, GOG, and Nintendo Game Store. RAWG plans to expand the database over 200,000 within a year, which will make it the biggest cross-platform game database.

The RAWG, launched in April 2017, is funded by the founders. In February, RAWG collected a $ 2 million seed from Altair Capital, a Wargaming gaming company, Game Insight founder Igor Matsanyuk, CEO of Zeptolab, Misha Lyalin, and others. This service live in rawg io Crowdsale is scheduled for May 2018. Dana Crypto Bazar.

Market opportunities

There are no popular recommendation services for games
Today gamers get recommendations from a variety of sources including media, streaming services, bloggers, platforms, and online gaming shops.
Platforms do not see each other as allies; on the contrary, they compete for users: PlayStation Store will never recommend an exclusive title for Xbox, while the latter will never tell about new items in the App Store.
At the same time:
› 76% of US gamers play on at least two devices 1;
› 87% of players using game consoles also play on desktop computers 2

Pasar video game global telah berkembang lebih cepat dari yang kita duga, seperti berikut:
› The volume has been growing steadily since 2012, faster than forecasted. Expectations for 2016 has grown from $86.1bn 3 up to $99.6bn 4 since.
› The global video gaming market totaled $101.1bn in 2016 5.
› The market is forecasted to reach $108.9bn in 2017, which is 7.8% more than last year 6.
› The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expected to be 6.2% and reach a $128.5bn mark in 2020 7.
› The video gaming market ranks third among the four drivers of the entertainment industry growth in general. The average annual growth in the video gaming market, net of GDP, totals to 2.7% 8 for the period from 2016 to 2021 9.

Online advertising is estimated to make up half of the total advertising market by 2021
See more details on the link below:

  1. http://mintel.com/press-centre/technology-press-centre/gamers-gone-mobile-half-of-americans-play-video-games-on-mobile-devices
  2. http://resources.newzoo.com/hubfs/Reports/Newzoo_Free_2016_Global_Games_Market_Report.pdf
  3. http://newzoo.com/insights/infographics/global-games-market-report-infographics-2013/
  4. http://resources.newzoo.com/hubfs/Reports/Newzoo_Free_2016_Global_Games_Market_Report.pdf
  5. http://newzoo.com/insights/articles/the-global-games-market-will-reach-108-9-billion-in-2017-with-mobile-taking-42
  6. http://newzoo.com/insights/articles/the-global-games-market-will-reach-108-9-billion-in-2017-with-mobile-taking-42/
  7. http://newzoo.com/insights/articles/the-global-games-market-will-reach-108-9-billion-in-2017-with-mobile-taking-42/
  8. http://pwc.com/gx/en/enData about the virtual reality and eSports markets was excluded from the analysis due to their explosive growth.
  9. tertainment-media/pdf/outlook-2017-curtain-up.pdf
  10. http://magnaglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/MAGNA-December-Global-Forecast-Update-Press-Release.pdf
  11. http://pwc.com/gx/en/entertainment-media/pdf/outlook-2017-curtain-up.pdf
  12. http://magnaglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/MAGNA-Global-Ad-Forecast-Spring-Update-June-2017-PR-Executive-Summary.pdf
  13. http://iab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IAB_Internet_Advertising_Revenue_Report_FY_2016.pdf
  14. http://iabeurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/DigitalAdvertisingEconomicContribution_FINAL.pdf
  15. Sources: http://rewards.xbox.com/en-US/,http://playstation.com/en-us/explore/sony-rewards/http://nintendo.com/my-nintendo/
  16. The price may vary in the future.
  17. The partner program is under development now; the negotiation process with potential partners is under way.
  18. Timeline is an estimate and may change.

The ad market has continued to expand since 2009. The combined annual growth rate (CAGR) is estimated to be 4% from 2016 to 2021, the market is expected to reach $ 600bn in 2021. Online advertising is estimated to be 40% of the market, reaching 50% in 2021 10.
The online advertising market ranks second among the four main drivers for the media andentertainment industry growth, the average annual market growth net of GDP is 4.3% for theperiod from 2016 to 2021 11.
Online advertising was projected to grow grow by 14% in 2017 while offline advertising was projected to decrease. Online advertising was forecasted to reach $ 204 billion and became the # 1 category globally in 2017 12.
The US online advertising market totaled to $ 72.5bn in 2016, which is 21.8% more YOY. The shareof the CPM advertising model is increased from 33% to 35% from 2015 to 2016 13.
The European digital advertising market totaled € 41.9bn in 2016, which is 12.9% more YOY 14.

Some services and games that pay or reward users for the very process:
› SwagBucks is a service where a player can receive rewards for games from the catalog. Besides, the service pays for purchases in affiliate stores (cashback), polls, video views and online searches using the Yahoo toolbar. The service awards points to users (SB points), which canbe exchanged for Amazon and Walmart gift cards or PayPal cashback. Not available in some countries. Withdrawal is impossible.
› PlayAndWin is a service similar to SwagBucks, but only game-specific. Rewards include Amazon gift cards, bonuses for use in service games, children’s toys, etc. Withdrawal is impossible.
› Exodus 3000 is a multiplayer browser game that offered to reward users for various actionsin the game: extraction of resources, attacking opponents, etc.
› Corporationmaster is a multiplayer browser game where a player can earn money, spend it on game bonuses and exchange for real money.
› Second Life is a multiplayer game, a life simulator in which a player can get a virtual job or set up a business, earn money in game currency and exchange it for real money.

This is the catalog of most logical games and arcades, as in the case of SwagBucks and PlayAndWin, or special games that no one likes. The zVAULT service from Razer periphery gaming manufacturers should be mentioned separately. The company pays players for the time spent on the games selected for the catalog within this month. Games included (as of October 2017): World of Tanks, Diablo III, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, Battlegrounds Playerunknown, DotA 2.
Payments are made in the internal currency of the service. Earned money can be spent on Razer products, discount coupons and, in the future, with partners. Funds cannot be withdrawn. The received points can be spent on purchases in the catalogs of the corresponding platforms and their partners. users are limited to the ecosystem and the current marketing policy of the platforms.

Growing the database even more than 50,000 games have been added to the database during the first 3 months of operation, including games from all popular platforms: Steam, PlayStation Store, Xbox Games Store, App Store, Google Play, GOG and Nintendo Game Store. RAWG will expand the database to more than 200,000 in the calendar which will make it the world's largest cross-platform database in the world. RAWG started growing the size and quality of the database with the help of the token holder and his community. In addition, users can manually add information about the game to the database - for example, for games or games not in the catalog.

For you guys after becoming a member of the RAWG community, users will be able to share their experiences and impressions from each other's games. Gamers can follow each other; interact with, share and reply to content; discuss, rate and review the game; monitor activity in personalized feeds. RAWG also plans to launch a verified profile of influencers and a Q & A system that will be used both to ask game experts and reward answers. RAWG intends to reward gamers using services for games they have played.

The current RAWG version is not just an idea, but an operating service. The beta version is available at rawg.io.
This development was launched in November 2016. Since then, the following tasks have been solved:

April 2017 A unified player profile which automatically compiles all games from Steam, PlayStation, Xbox platforms. 20,000 games in the database and the RAWG user activity feed.
May 2017 Private testing for 2,000 invited users.
June 2017 Original system of reviews and ratings, more than 50,000 games in the database.
July 2017 Convenient editing tools for games in personal libraries of RAWG users. August 2017 Cross-platform showcase: games that cannot be missed, calendar of releases, charts, user reviews.
September 2017 User profiles with detailed reports about game interaction. Launch of an open RAWG alpha version.
October 2017 New UGC tools: game reviews and discussions.
December 2017 New UGC tools: content-rich collections.
February 2018 Content rich game pages, game developers and publishers profiles, upgraded main page.

18 April 2018 Crowdsale.
May 2018 Personalized recommendations based on unique data of cross-platform interests of gamers.
August 2018 Launching RAWG token system. Advertising sales.
October 2018 Community-editable database. Over 100,000 games in the database. November 2018 Tokenized Q’n’A service: ask questions and receive answers from game developers.
December 2018 Advertisers’ self-service profiles.


The RAWG team also consists of professionals with experience in the media, video games, and entertainment.
RAWG team's goal is to create the most complete database in the world, which will separate the personal from the game with the more widely known data. RAWG seeks to create a cross-platform environment where games can be made from the limits set by the game solution manufacturers.

RAWG tokens

RAWG tokens are the base of the RAWG token system:
› Advertising on the service will be traded only for tokens until April 2021.
› Gamers will get awards in tokens for achievements.
› RAWG partners will accept tokens when providing their goods and services.
The price for 100 tokens during the ICO is equal to the cost per thousand views of the RAWG premium advertising format, which is the equivalent of $3 at the start of the crowdsale:

AdvertisingPlacementCost per thousand Cost per thousand
views,$views, RAWG tokens

100% × 510 pxPage top,3 100
PREMIUMabove the header

960 × 540 px 2-3 screen2.7 90

960 × 250 pxPage bottom,
above the footer 2.4 80

Tokens are specially integrated into gamers' acceptable units for their game
activity and which certify the contributions of game players. As for certain
rules to receive token.Token completes different tasks for each
type of participant and serves as a way to meet the interests of all participants.

› For a gamer, the token is a unit that certifies his achievements and activity in games.
› For a partner, the token is a means to acquire leads to try their services or goods.
› For an advertiser, the token is a unit for the advertisement to the target audience.

The token price is associated with the cost of advertising formats. Tokens will
give access to advertising services; later tokens will grant a fast track — the
right to purchase advertising without waiting in line.
RAWG will accept only RAWG tokens for advertising services until April 2021. Afterwards the tokens will give access to a fast track — to purchase advertising without waiting in line. Apart from media advertising, RAWG will promote the services and goods of partners.

The starting price of RAWG’s premium advertising format is $3 per 1,000 views (CPM) 16. The market price for a similar format on other platforms depends on the audience — the number of people who use the site (MAU) at least once a month. For example, Eurogamer is $19 to $55 per CPM.

Gaming skills are the level of players on the platform. In theory, a gamer can use tokens to increase the level on their platform, including additional tokens to increase their level. The custom rate will provide key features within the RAWG platform.

Industry expertise is the official presence of industry representatives on the platform. This system assumes the existence of good rules to ask questions and to answer them. Once the question is answered, the token is transferred
to the expert address.
Industry expertise is the official presence of industry representatives on the platform. This system assumes the existence of good rules to ask questions and to answer them. Once the question is answered, the token is transferred
to the expert address.

There are several ways to pull tokens from a token system, including exchanging tokens to partner services or merchandise. Tokens can be transferred from one gamer to another. The token in the gamer wallet is your own and can be used as desired BUT there are rules, for example If a gamer uses tokens for internal or external services, transaction costs may be imposed in some cases (for example, when receiving tokens through an industry expertise system).

Games are divided into the following types:

› A — basic games;
› P — partner games (the list is updated with each token cycle and depends on RAWG’s partner agreements).

The following table accruals karma form in this case:

Karma accrualBasic games Partner games
In karma units In karma units

   X                    1                 2
   Y                    2                 3
   Z                    3                 4

RAWG reserves the right to withdraw certain games with a substandard
system of in-game achievements from the program of karma accrual.

As I mentioned earlier the purpose of RAWG is to maintain the price in the system and at the same time not make the system also hostile to gamers who can not compete with those who have more time and effort on the game due to objective reasons.

RAWG tokens crowdsale will be conducted by Behind RAWG, a
legal entity incorporated inthe Cayman Islands.
Crowdsale period: from April 2018 till December 2018 or until 700 million tokens are sold, whichever comes earliest.

To buy one RAWG token, you must provide the equivalent of $ 0.03
in BTC or ETH.

Crowdsale is considered successful if 66,666,667 tokens are sold� Right now RAWG has already closed the softcap, raising $2M from Crypto Bazar fund. The maximum number of tokens that may be acquired during the crowdsale is 333,333,334.

Below is the distribution of all tokens issued:

38.5%are acquired during the crowdsale
33.5%are locked in the stabilization fund.
10%are bonuses for the founders.
7.7%are bonuses for early investors
3.8%are bonuses for the advisors.
3.8%are bonuses for the team
1.9%are bonuses for airdrop program participants
0.8%are bonuses for bounty program participants.

RAWG will accept only RAWG tokens for advertising until April 2021. After this, payment in tokens will work like a fast track — advertising can be purchased without waiting in line.

The RAWG service is developed by Behind the Games, UAB. The company was founded in August 2016 in the Republic of Lithuania. It is located in the Vilnius Tech Park, the largest accelerator of startups across the Baltic States and Scandinavia. The company is registered at Antakalnio g. 17, Vilnius, LT10312, Lithuania. The RAWG tokens crowdsale will be conducted by Behind RAWG, an Exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands.

You guys for RAWG players and RAWG token holders should know that there is no backup technology for RAWG tokens or / and for RAWG personal key tokens / accounts.

Still have questions?
Please Contact us at [email protected].

So many of me hopefully this article useful for you gamers and as soon as possible together to join in RAWG


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