My stalker returns...

in #rawpride5 years ago

And has to review everything I've written.

Nice... Bet you feel good flagging me.

So any post or comment is going to get a reply from me. And a vote.

Yep I'm going to vote and earn at his expense.

Thanks to my favorite douche!!!

@rawpride is my favorite bitch. Thanks for the free promotion and marketing!!!


They're everywhere. Steemit LOVES it, while claiming to be all about "free speech."

Hey @mepatriot please consider removing your vote and support from @ganjafarmer, as he is repeatedly trolling and posting hate speech.

Awe... Hating my stalker is hate speach? Lol you are a great loser. I'm gonna comment and vote every post... Until you storp flagging and being a bitch...

Oh yeah bunch of "bullies" however they are just petty greedy and ego-driven.

Nice having someone that shows how much he hates you to help show the world that you are still laughing at him for being so uptight ..