I recently learned inverted (upside-down) flying of helicopters.
Check it out:
It is called inverted because the helicopter flies upside-down
but also because the controls will act inverted.
Inverted flying is quite difficult but can be learned within a few weeks.
Flying helicopters inverted will teach you three-dimensional thinking.
It is quite confusing at first but also very rewarding if you succeed.
So how does a helicopter fly upside-down you ask?
Well, simply speaking by pushing the air into the opposite direction.
This is done through a complicated mechanism called swashplate
which essentially translates the (non-rotating) controls to the rotating blades.
This can change the pitch (angle) of the blades into the opposite direction.
The swashplate is a quite remarkable piece of engineering
and my above explanation is overly simplified.
A non-simplified explanation can be found here:
While inverted flying is possible with all helicopters it is usually only used
with model helicopters. But it is possible with big ones too :)
By the way, the model helicopter I am using is this one here:
Cheers, and happy flying!
enjoy, thx for sharing