1.Write a good headline! This is the part that will either draw someone in, or turn them away.
Looking at this chart, you can see that the best headline is 8-14 words long.
Next, use this free tool (http://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer) that will allow you to analyze your headlines to find the best length and word composition.
The next step is to draw your readers in once they click your story. Remember, you want them to upvote, so jump right into the points you want to make.
Medium has found that the optimal length of an article is a 7-minute read time one.
And finally, remember to add tags for more visibility and to ask people to upvote your article! Now, get writing!
If you liked this post, PLEASE upvote! Thank You!
Some links and quotes taken from https://medium.freecodecamp.com/how-to-write-medium-stories-people-will-actually-read-92e58a27c8d8#.p8stfddon
Can you add multiple tags? I thought it is just one and then that sets the section you post in. sorry if that a noob question
Yeah, you can add multiple. Just put a space in between them. :)
ah thanks I was using a comma
Lets see, if your advice works on your article ;-)