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RE: OverDrive App - ebooks + audiobooks

in #reading7 years ago

I adore this app! I actually got a card for both my library and the county that adjoins ours then my friend who lives in a completely different state lets me use her card online because she only uses the IRL library (totally separate allowances for the number of books you can take out.) A lot of my two counties' book selections overlap but the one in the other state is completely different. It really opens up the books you can find.

We have some ability to ask the libraries to acquire a book for us. If you do a search of a specific author the app will list any the books it has for that name and on the left of the screen it will ask if you didn't find what you were looking for. You can click the button to see the selections (if any) that the library can order. You can even request a notification when they have it available.

I love how you can cruise the catalogue and then grab the book without ever leaving the house. Total instant gratification.

I listen to audio books all the time while I am working around the house. My husband says I read too much. 👍