Ready Player One 2018 - Movie Reflection

in #readyplayerone3 years ago

In the year 2045, the world is a terrible place, and Wade Watts escapes reality by logging into OASIS, a virtual reality environment established by James Halliday, a man hailed as a hero for inventing something that would help people escape reality. Although it is a futuristic film, there is a very good possibility that this will occur in the future. Take a look around you; while not everyone has VR or Augmented Glasses, they are all lured to their cellphones, gaming consoles, or PCs to play games. Similar thing happened in the movie, where OASIS was made to be more essential than the real world. I notice parallels between this film and the anime "Sword Art Online," in that the real conflict takes place in the real world, and in order to overcome it, something must be defeated within the game.

I can attest to the fact that Wade's feelings are similar to mine because I once played games similar to logging into THE OASIS. The harshness of the real world has compelled me to play role-playing games. I had no idea that as time passed, I would become addicted — I had established friends, but the folks who became my friends online had never met me in person. It took me a long time to give up because it took up a large portion of my life and caused me to have fewer interactions in the real world. It is nice to have friends virtually, but do not get too attached to it as it can also cause harm to oneself.