Home sales are down 4.4% YoY, the economy is moving into a recession. Trump is positioning to take down the economy, the FANG stocks decline, this is all part of the plan to gain the narrative and to show the markets are manipulated. IMF prepares for an economic collapse, they want Germany to give 100 million to guard against and economic crisis. China and the US are working towards removing the central banking system, Trump might move to nationalize the fed with the help of Rand Paul.
Thanks again, Dave. The banks must have been concerned for quite a while.
Thank You Dave, Good report.
Yep the whole system is fraud. Down it will come! The thing is that Trump may be putting the same people who destroyed the economy in charge. Which to me means continual fraud.
Got blocked on Twitter for telling a troll off . They then said to unblock it that I would have to give them my phone number to which I’m saying FUCK NO . And that is absolutely fine with me cuz it was full of trolls and this one slandered me and was using my face to make meme , but I’m sure nothing happened to IT . I fucking hate twitter anyways . 140 characters is only enough to make a smart ass comment and nothing of any substance . I do think that when i confronted this troll the things that really triggered the attacks was pushing the examples of fraud and deceit by this government like two planes knocking down three skyscrapers on 9/11 and the one I think really got to IT was three men did not go to the moon in a tin can , because even today scientists can not figure out how to get past the deadly VAN ALLEN BELTS which would have fried those men like eggs in just a matter of minutes . And thats why there is this very little known law that you can NOT aim a high powered telescope at the moon . Yeah there is your freedom America . Your so poorly educated that you don’t know basic science . The VAN ALLEN BELTS start at 130,000 miles up and there are two of them . The moon is 237,000 miles away . You do the math America . Twitter , Facebook , and YouTube are going to be gone soon and no one will miss them . Great report .
Do you think they are panicking or are they fully aware of what's going on and preparing for the final crash (that will be initiated by them)?
i thinik there big players playing bigger games, i just try and see what i can ride along on the coat-tails of
and keep my wealth intact.
good work, Ive been keen on siLver for way too long , and this chart of a bubble looks like sILver, its actually gone back to the start SLow and traILING 4 YEARS AT THE DISINTERESTED PART

Well worth to see this.