The apparitions and shadows in my grandparents' house I see through Skype

in #real3 months ago

I Skype my grandparents every night, grandparents who reside in Kuwen Shan in Shanghai. From what I have observed, a lot of strange things have been happening in their house, especially when they are gone. I like to open my Skype with them for hours every night after dinner between 6:00-10:00PM, the times they are gone themselves to make dinner and eat dinner as well as gone are the times I see and hear things in their house that are not supposed to be there.

  1. Colored apparitrions flashes
    The most common are flashes of colored human-like figures that are not even translucent/transparent appearing in their study room, the room as well as walking in the hallway from my sight through the desktop. The human-like figures appearing I see through skype sometimes I mistaken for my grandparents returning to their study room from supper or from bathing, but when I look closely do I realize they are not my grandparents. My sight of these apparitions quickly goes as I look at them, every time, like a split-second or two before the sight disappears. Just like that, the colored apparitions disappear. My assumption is that they noticed they were being watched by me so they disappeared. These two years were the most frequent paranormal activity I've seen in my grandparents' house through skype. These ghost-like apparitions are not translucent and grey like commonly associated ghosts, but they were colored, like people. These apparition people seem to be of Asian origin, just like us.

The two most commonly seen colored apparitions is the short old Asian man who resembles my grandfather but stand at, from my glimpse, only 5 foot 2. Because it went and disappeared so fast, I could not fully grasp what it wore. The other colored apparition that I see is the tall, tanned man sometimes appearing, in a second or so, in their study room, the room where their desktop is located. He stands at about 6 foot 5 or so and seems kind of creepy, tbh. From the flash glimpses I see him, he seems to be in his early-mid life.

  1. The shadow/grey figures, classic apparitions
    The next thing I'd sometimes see-through skype in my grandparents' apartment in China is the shadow/translucent figures. They don't have clear faces because it is all jumbled together in one grey color. Unlike the colored apparitions, these ones don't flash as fast but they do come and go. One noticeable one was when my grandma was gone to do something, and that's when it peaked into their study room, at the webcam, at me. My grandma came back from her business shortly after and smiled at it's direction, like she was in contact with it. However, when I asked her what she was looking at pretentiously, she said "your grandpa".