My First Steemit Vlog - Doorknocking

in #realestate8 years ago (edited)

Hi Guys! I woke up excited about today, because I have begun my vlogging journey. Today I door knocked a prominent neighborhood of about 100 homes (only got to about 50 homes) but I wanted to do it to get out of my comfort zone as a Realtor.

I know that door knocking sounds crazy and tedious, but it's the fastest way to generate business in real estate.

What if they slam the door in your face? What if they don't want to be bothered?

One great thing I learned today was that most people are pretty courteous when dealing with you face to face. They will either engage in conversation with you or say " I'm not interested at the moment". Either way there is no lasting impression, door slamming or foul language, you simply move on to the next prospect .

I wanted to get rid of my fear of door knocking because as simple as it sounds, I know that door knocking will propel my business to the next level. It's always those things your afraid of or don't want to do that generate the best results.

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Out of 50 homes that I covered, I spoke to six homeowners and two of those could potentially be me my new clients . Not bad for my first time!



Keep at it, as you know it's a numbers game!!!
Blessings to you!!

Thank you ! It's a numbers game , I've been saying that all day

But also confess the numbers are in your Favor!!!

The grind pays off!

@denisetherealtor I love how you are stepping out and trying new angles with your business. I hope you reach a lot of people as you vlog about your experiences. This is a good way to keep your followers in tune about what you do. Keep up the good work! 😉