in #realestate6 months ago

The pros on the PLS

  1. Control of agents that belong to PLS. Can be no outside agents, or limited, or on a pay per submission basis, or monthly revenue stream? Maybe not if the software provider doesn't allow pls to be more than one agency
  2. Control of content: Control of fields for content, except for mandatory IDX Hub requirements
  3. Geographical area, could be multi-state which eliminates the need to join MLS in multi states
  4. In office lead generator, no other agents will have the leads from IDX providers

The Cons of PLS

  1. tech cost, software cost
  2. liability risk from for sale by owners that don't own
  3. A limited revenue model?

What are the models to consider for PLS?

  1. limit the exposure period to renewable terms, i.e., every 30 or every 60 days. Lower cost, but cost to renew. Or high cost first month and very low cost at each renewal month.
  2. Verified owner? Cross check with tax records?