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RE: "Trouble In Arkansas": This Cycle's Countrywide Financial Just Imploded

in #realestate6 years ago (edited)

Bank Ozk? Really? I definitely need to DMR on this one; as, it's the first I've ever heard of it. Oh, but do I recognize old Countrywide...I smh as I recall the promise to help Main Street, only to see old WS get saved from the 'dump'...

That said, mortgages are a racket; even though most people are smart to invest in real estate as opposed to toilet-flushed renting; but, it's all manipulative. Increased taxes, right-of-way properties are just a couple of ways to remind us of such. Even when property becomes 'owned' outright, it's still not a 100% guarantee...though, again...better investment than stock volatility. Yes, I am anti 401Ks, etc.
