Rising prices lead to rising debt among people as they still want to be able to afford the same things as they did a few years ago while simply forgetting about the fact that their salaries didn´t increase in a similar ratio. But they mostly don´t have a choice after all as they need a place to stay, one close to the place they work so they have to come up with the money for it somehow even if that means taking on more debt...
The property bubble will burst again and again all around the world leaving thousands or even millions of people behind with even further debt in the end. It´s an endless game that keeps us working forever while the rich keep accumulating one billion after the other...
They will just buy everything up once people start to lose their homes, it seems like every market is being manipulated and the rich people(very rich) just don't care, which is something really disconcerting. Like why? Why do you even want so much money?
I truly feel some major changes are going to occur, people are getting fed up with all the manipulation. Banks getting bailed out while people lose their homes? Spending so much money on military instead of fixing infrastructure or creating help for people? Like, what the hell, how are we unable to stop this kind of thing?
We follow this convoluted system only because we think we have to. When was the last time things actually changed for the better under a new president or from a new law?