All great stuff. Quite a few of those tips can translate for most people into everyday life. I think there are a lot of people who don't do as well as they could because they aren't self-disciplined enough to excel at their job. If they did, they might get promoted, but instead are just mediocre because no one is watching them.
I'm not a real estate agent, but I know I need to do a better job of setting my goals so I can work toward them. That way I can push myself further, but know why I'm doing that extra effort. Good stuff, brother!
thanks alot! I appreciate the great feedback. I enjoy helping people on many levels - but working with real estate and finances is among my favorite. Being self disciplined enough to do it on my own for a living has been a challenge - but I have always worked better independently and don't do well in captivity so I find ways to make it work. The first step to achieving your goal is having a goal...