I'll bet if you ask some stoner friends you'll find some (: it's very important to be with the right people. Energy becomes something that takes control of your trip, so you need to be surrounded by the purest ones. Not the party type, go for the friends you sit and talk about the universe with. You'll both benefit (: its better to do them with someone whose experienced it themselves so they can help guide you away from any negative holes you may suck yourself into otherwise. Most stoners are down with mushrooms. "Theyre natural" lol
Dude, on a serious note I can't even imagine the art you'd come up with on a psychedelic brain. You'd be extraordinary. Its almost like you can take a blank wall and project the image you have in your head directly onto the blank canvas and trace it with your pencil. All with your mind. I swear, they give us keys to parts of our brains we normally can't open.
That sounds like a dream of mine because it is nearly impossible to get my drawings even close to what I imagine them to be. Well, I guess if the opportunity should come my way at some point I propably won't say no to it :D