Hello everyone, This contest was organized by @mimy
At what age did you have your first kiss?
9 years... e don tey weh bad tinz don enta ma mind. lol
What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?
A pen i think, back then in secondary school
What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner?
one tight clarks shoe. i still de wear till now
Ladies: Which would you rather go without? Brassiere or Make-up for three days.
I will answer this when i become a lady, for now i am a guy. lol
For guys, which would you rather go without: a comb or a wristwatch?
A comb, cos i don't even use comb
Qualities of your ideal man or woman?
God-fearing, caring, respectful, romantic and good cooking-I no de use food playooo.
What would you do with one million naira.
I'll add up with what i have and open a betting shop
Would you love to get married to a virgin?
Hmmmmm! I'll love to, but does not really matter to me.
Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on Steemit.
I'm not thinking of anyone jare. No need for the drama. Lol!
Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, prayer, God, Love, Bible, God, Suck, Sex.
Most people enjoy to SUCK and have SEX in BED while others LOVE PRAYER, BIBLE reading and the things of GOD.
What virtue do you think is your greatest?
One thing you learnt from NDJT EPISODE 1?
I didn't participate, so nothing
I remain my lovely and humble self.
You can follow me @kelly007
Thank you
Thank you for participating
Welldone MaAll thanks goes to you @mimy for bringing up this contest.