OK so a lot of the time when I talk to people about my anti government stance, I am faced with the age old question of who would build the roads, and this is even from supposedly intelligent people. I am writing this post to clear up any misunderstanding, you see people think that the governments fund and build the roads but they are missing the key facts of the matter.
In England it has become common practice for road building to take 10 times longer than is necessary, and the people are fed up with it, but I don't think they understand the reality of the matter.
When the road workers go out and set up "road works" what they actually do is go out and set out loads of red cones, close lanes of motorways, introduce a reduced speed limit and impose an average speed check which is monitored by cameras. Then anybody who is stupid enough to have the motors they are driving trace ably registered, and unlucky enough to be caught breaking the temporary new speed limit will receive an illegal / unlawful fine. This goes on for months on end with no road work actually happening, so it is pretty evident that the cameras are funding the work on the road.
But what else are these cameras funding? lets see, the cameras were an expense in the early days of this madness, the cameras require electricity to keep them monitoring speeds of vehicles (without solar panels, at present), and the camera network will need maintaining so some wages are shelled out, on top of at least 1 internet data connection for the cameras. This is not counting the staff who are paid to go out and lay the cones and setup the "road works" who only seem to work when the cameras are going up and then back down, or the cost involved with the vehicles that are used in this practice, it all adds up and fast.
That's it then the "road works" are abandoned by anything resembling a workforce until the cameras have generated the revenue needed to repair or build the roads, and move the road works to another location. Only then does work start on the roads, I'm sure if you have driven the M6 in the last 10 years you will know exactly what I'm getting at here.
To sum up this post, the way we build roads is just like this, we pay for the roads and we build the roads at something around a 1% efficiency because of government involvement. When we finally close down all the governments of the globe we could build our own roads 100 times faster than our current ability because of the bureaucracy of it, we will also build and repair our roads with 100 times less expense than the present model we utilise.
We spend millions each year on roads with a 1% efficiency, billions in tax's that will also be squandered by governments with the same 1% efficiency level....
Please I implore you, Tell me what purpose governments serve if not as the slave masters? Because as far as I can see they are slave driving terrorists, extortionists and down right dishonourable by definition. They only have so much power as people put it, because for decades they have been giving out money saying here have some money but live by our rules, and a majority have taken them up on the offer, and are now acting like the sheep dogs keeping the bad sheep in line. This will not be allowed to continue much longer, choose your side wisely is all I can say....
Was it better before? A few decades back?
I mean before the privatization scramble my Thatcher.
It was actually, road works were generally completed in a matter of days from what i remember, i was a kid under thatcher and life was far rosier than it is today. Today there is nothing you can do for pleasure that costs nothing, but while thatcher was PM there was too much to choose from that came with no expense. Cost of living was also 10 times less than that of today. A lot of people absolutely despised her, but i thank her myself had she not allowed my parents to buy the house i grew up in, my life would have been very different, i would probably be serving a very long sentence for surviving :(
You see what many things Thatchers policy cut?
thatcher was responsible for the poll tax / council tax i grant you that 1, then the scummy labour party removed all the things we could do for free :(
Of the banks, by the banks, for the banks - Central/Reserve Banks that is.